Sunday, December 10, 2006


Designed to fit a whole platoon...

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Yes !~ finally the weather turns out fine with a forgiving 24 degrees ! Clad in T-shirt slippers and shorts, Sio goes for a movie half marathon. The actual marathon is just crazy, 7pm to 7am, i did it in 7pm to 2am. Quite alot of stuff watched just 4 days before finals... V for Vendetta -.-, Clerks -.-, CLERKS 2 !!! <----- GREAT! and BOONDOCK SAINTS <---- fugging great movie....

Clerks & Clerks 2, basically just bunch of lowlives working and hanging around the "quickstop grocery store" Harressing, poking fun, making racist remarks on customers.... In Clerks 2 they simply "upgraded" it into a colored film, and "upgraded" Jay and Silent Bob... Oh by the way Jay is just some guy that stands at the same spot outside the grocery store selling drugs, he just cant stop talking.... whereas.... Silent Bob....... is his yin yang opposite......always stands next to him, nv replys to what he says ................. man he got the easiest role in the film... just one or 2 sentances in total... and occationally carrying the huge boombox in and out of the scene, and MY GOD THEY ARE RICH!! . Great hilarious show.... animal sex FOO!

Boondock Saints<--- hilarious mafia/superhero movie...
kinda underated mafia/superhero movie...set in Boston... got chance i get the dvd so we can watch back in sg... hope can play...

YAY 2am finish movie... time to go back ... hell yeah!! clad in slippers shorts and T shirt.... not really suited for night weather... feels like 7 degrees.... lots drunken stuff on the short walk back to dorm... students getting reprimanded thru the police car loud hailer asking them to leave the shopping cart "literally" peace .... idiot digging for gold in a trash can... no gold? oh yes ... begins to tear apart a side mirror of an M3. *sigh* miss my camera phone...